Bryson Faulkner

Inside Sales Team Member

Team Member Since 2017


What year did you start working with Horizon?


What's the best part of your job?

The relationships we build with our customers on a daily basis.

What was your first car?

Toyota 4Runner

What is your favorite place you've travelled?

I went to Yellowstone when I was little. Beautiful views.

Where is somewhere you've never been but would like to go?


What pets do you have and what are their names?

Willow and Cricket, 2 dogs

What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas and Thanksgiving are pretty close to me. It's the best time to see all the family.

What words best describe your dance skills?


What's your favorite movie?

Shawshank Redemption

What is your favorite tv show?

New Amsterdam

What's the best dish you can cook?

I used to make a stuffed duck breast back when I was more into hunting.

What is your favorite restaurant?


What's your favorite candy?

I always end up with a Zero bar when I can't decide.

Where were you born?

Henderson, NC

Who is most influential in your life?

My parents because they started with very little and are now very successful.

What are your hobbies?

Hiking and being outdoors mainly

What sports do you follow? Do you have a favorite team?

I like the Panthers and NC State

What household chore do you like doing the least?

Cleaning the shower

What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done?

Hard to narrow it down to one thing

What achievement are you most proud of?

Graduating NC State, marrying my wife, and building a house


What year did you start working with Horizon?


What's the best part of your job?

The relationships we build with our customers on a daily basis.

What is your favorite place you've travelled?

I went to Yellowstone when I was little. Beautiful views.

Where is somewhere you've never been but would like to go?


What pets do you have?

Willow and Cricket, 2 dogs

What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas and Thanksgiving are pretty close to me. It's the best time to see all the family.

What words best describe your dance skills?


What's the best dish you can cook?

I used to make a stuffed duck breast back when I was more into hunting.

What is your favorite food?


What's your favorite candy?

I always end up with a Zero bar when I can't decide.

Who is most influential in your life?

My parents because they started with very little and are now very successful.

What are your hobbies?

Hiking and being outdoors mainly

What sports do you follow?

I like the Panthers and NC State

What household chore do you like doing the least?

Cleaning the shower

What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever done?

Hard to narrow it down to one thing

What achievement are you most proud of?

Graduating NC State, marrying my wife, and building a house


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